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While there is a plethora of information on breastfeeding, weaning from breastfeeding is not discussed as much as parents would like to. Weaning is a hard decision and not something that works for all parents who decide to wean right away. Gradual weaning is better not only for the child but also for the mother since abrupt weaning can cause an increased risk of developing plugged ducts, mastitis, abscesses and in some rare cases, even cancer.
In children, it can increase the odds of the child falling ill, disrupt their sleep cycle and cause increased clinginess.

In this webinar, learn how to:

  1. Partially wean off breastfeeding
  2. Completely wean off breastfeeding
  3. Strategies to cope post-weaning

This is a great initiative to provide valuable information and support to mothers who are navigating the weaning process.

Under Maintenance. We will be back soon!!!
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