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Vindjyasarumi A

Qualification: CLCC( certified lactation care counsellor)
Practicing Since: 2023
Address: Asarikkal (H), Kizhakkoth(po) Koduvally(via), Kozhikode(dt), Kerala.
Phone No.: +91 8129281545
​Email address:
Area of Expertise: , Milk supply, Back to breast, Pumping, Relactation, Weaning formula, Cracked nipple, Oversupply, Breastfeeding twins
Personal breastfeeding experience: Transitioning from two years of exclusive breastfeeding twins to using formula to fully breastfeed again was quite the journey. Initially, my twins rejected the breast, which was disheartening. However, with patience and persistence, we overcame breast rejection and returned to successful breastfeeding. From struggling with no sucking reflex after birth to eventually establishing a consistent nursing routine, every step of the process taught me resilience and the importance of trusting the natural bond between mother and child.
​Languages: ​English, Malayaalam.